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271 - 275 of 275 results
Kingshott Cassidy Poetry Award

Kingshott Cassidy Poetry Award

Supports students with a demonstrated interest in poetry who in financial need.
Study area
Arts, humanities and social sciences
Scholarship focus
Academic excellence, Creative excellence
Scholarship value
At least 20% of the annual distribution of the fund
Number awarded
May vary
Opening date
24 October 2024
Closing date
8 December 2024
Mr and Mrs Ho Engineering Scholarship

Mr and Mrs Ho Engineering Scholarship

Provides financial support for a second year engineering undergraduate who experiences financial hardship.
Study area
Scholarship focus
Financial hardship
Scholarship value
equal to the annual income from the endowment
Number awarded
Opening date
January 2026
Closing date
March 2026
Emmerson Family Medical Scholarship

Emmerson Family Medical Scholarship

Supports students who are in financial need and who are undertaking study in the Doctor of Medicine.
Study area
Health and medicine
Scholarship focus
Financial hardship
Scholarship value
Number awarded
Opening date
17 July 2026
Closing date
6 August 2026
Joan Elizabeth Wickham Memorial Scholarship

Joan Elizabeth Wickham Memorial Scholarship

To support female engineering students studying engineering
Study area
Scholarship focus
Diversity, Financial hardship
Scholarship value
Number awarded
Opening date
January 2027
Closing date
March 2027
Professor Bryan Emmerson Medical Scholarship

Professor Bryan Emmerson Medical Scholarship

Supports students who are in financial need who are undertaking study in the Doctor of Medicine.
Study area
Health and medicine
Scholarship focus
Financial hardship
Scholarship value
At least $9,000
Number awarded
Opening date
17 July 2028
Closing date
7 August 2028