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Santos Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Education Scholarship

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Education Scholarship Scheme

This scholarship will open in December 2024.

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Enrolment status
Current UQ student
Student type
Study level
Study area
All study areas
Scholarship focus
Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander, Academic excellence, Financial hardship
Scholarship value
$10,000 full time / $5,000 part time
Scholarship duration
Up to four years
Number awarded
May vary
Applications open
December 2024
Applications close
March 2025

This scholarship is part of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Education Scholarship Scheme.

See all scholarships in this scheme.


You're eligible if you:

How to apply

Apply using the online application portal.

You will be required to provide a personal statement of no more than 500 words (details in application portal).

You may need to upload supporting documentation that shows your:

You only need to complete one form to be considered for all scholarships under the UQ-ICS and the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Education Scholarships.

Use our tips for putting together a great application to help you through this process.

Selection criteria

We'll consider:

  • demonstrated financial need

Preference may be give to applicants who (in order of preference):

  • are studying in a relevant field:
    • Bachelor of Engineering; Bachelor of Science (Applied Geology); Bachelor of Science (Environmental Science, Coastal and Marine Science); Bachelor of Applied Science (Construction Management); Bachelor of Science (Health, Safety and Environment).
  • identify with one of the Traditional Owner groups :
    •  (Eastern Qld) Mandandanji; Bidjara; Turrbul/Jaggera; Wadja Wadja; Wardingarri; Iman; Karingbal; Port Curtis Coral Coast; Bailai; Gurang; Gooreng Gooreng; Taribelang; Wulli Wulli; Bunda Gaanga/u; Bigambul (Cooper Basin) Wongkumara; Kungardutyi Punthamara; Yandruwandha; Boothamurra; Dieri; Port Bonython; Kullili; Yarrawarrka; Kaurna (Adelaide); Barngarla (NSW & NE QLD); Gomeroi; Garawa; Waanyi; lndjalandji-Dhidhanu; Ganglidda (NT) Amadeus Basin; Alice Springs; Hermannsburg; lmanpa; Santa Teresa; Beetaloo Basin; Larrakia; Borroloola, Katherine (Madaranka) (WA) Yaburara; Mardudhunera (Devil Creek); Yinikutira, Jinigudira (Exmouth); Noongar.
  • can demonstrate academic achievements
  • can demonstrate strength of personal attributes including community involvement, career aspirations, interests, drive, ability to overcome challenges in a personal statement of up to 500 words.

What happens next

We'll email you to confirm we've received your application.

If you haven’t received your confirmation email within 2 working days of submitting your application contact us at

About this scholarship

Established in 2022 by a donation from Santos under the UQef Scholarship Match Initiative. The Scholarship is maintained by an expendable gift from Santos.



Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies Unit